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An introduction

Started by OnTheMicwithMike, Oct 10, 2023, 02:30 PM

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Hello all,

the name is Michael... Mike, I've been called much worse!  ;D

I'm from sunny Brighton, and got intoduced to CB radio in 1993, but didn't take it up myself until early 1996 - so I missed the CB boom of the 1980's. During the Summer of 1998 I got heavily hooked on DX and enjoying the solar cycle that was nearing it's peak at the time, cycle 23 to be exact. I was working stations all over the world, and got a great buzz from it. My first SSB rig was a Superstar 360 FM which I later went onto buying a brand new President Lincoln (model 1) in 2000. I still have the Lincoln now, but I don't use it anymore due to it drifting off frequency now.
During 2003-04 the cycle had all but faded and that great DX was gone again.
CB radio locally died a death, and due to two factors (for around Brighton anyway) the internet becoming affordable at the time and mobile phones doing the same... people jumped off CB and went into internet chatrooms and met up there instead & on mobile phones texting.
So CB radio died and so did my time on radio.
Packed away my stuff and took a ten year break... until one evening in 2014, I took the Lincoln out up the hill for a 'listen' to find CB radio was going through a small boom again.
Happy days!

Anyway, been on ever since 2014 - joining the Charlie Tango group and being issued with the 26CT1074 callsign, I later went on to join the Alfa Tango group as well which I never had the right criteria to apply, until now. I was issued 26AT129. So been quite active with that callsign as of late.

I also passed my foundation and got licensed in October 2018. I've stayed with my M7 callsign as I have no interest or desire to further it at the moment as I only work QRP and get a great buzz from it so it suits me down to the ground :)

Anyway, enough of my novel...
cheers and beers all!


Great intro Mike and welcome aboard. :)
You have been very busy in the 9 years since your return, congratulations on that & may it long continue.

I'd like to thank you again for producing our site header (Plus the other two which we sometimes alternate).

All the best,

M7DVQ * * * 26 CT 4013


Hello Mike and welcome to the 'All Radio Forum' 👍

73 Ray 2290


Hello Mike

Thank you for joining us , Welcome aboard . Look forward to catching you on the forum or on the air sometime soon.

Regards John CT4515  ;D  ;D  ;D


Familiar faces :)

Thanks all for the welcomes!


I hope we will manage to speak again soon on PMR 446 frequencies !!!
Best 73 Mike
14FRS119  Jacky
Normandy France



03 Jun 2024 00:24:46
Tangovictor: 03-06-24 PMR net, channel 14 from 8 o'clock tonight. Area covered Kent, Surrey, Sussex, London, Essex and a few other places as well.

30 May 2024 23:24:10
John: Cheers Tony  up and running now the world is up for grabs Yippee  ;D  ;D  ;D

30 May 2024 14:15:18
Tony: Brilliant John, and I see you had QSO's wth David and Stu on 40M. Didn't take you long did it? Lol

29 May 2024 23:11:15
John: Thank you Tony I have now got the inverted V antenna up with 40M & 20M Cheers Buddy

27 May 2024 09:05:34
Razz229: 27-05-24 PMR net, channel 14 from 8 o'clock tonight. Area covered Kent, Surrey, Sussex, London, Essex and a few other places as well.

26 May 2024 11:34:38
John: Thank You for the Birthday wishes  guys  cheers 73's

22 May 2024 22:13:01
Razz229: I'm late to the party, 'appy birthday John 🎂

21 May 2024 22:44:03
Admin: A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN CT4515 for the 22nd May. :) 8)

12 May 2024 11:55:41
Tony: I didn't , but I'm sure a lot did. :)

11 May 2024 15:14:36
Razz229: Anybody going out to to see if the Northern lights happen again?