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Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society Sunday Morning 2m Net

Started by M0XYF, Feb 17, 2023, 10:47 PM

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Trying to whip up some interest in our long-standing 2m Sunday morning net  :)

Have a listen in and see if you fancy joining us. We'll also be sorting out a little South Downs 2m action when the weather warms up a bit, as well as trying to get a remote rotator controller set up for our 2m and 6m Yagis at Cyprus Hall.

In the meantime, we're on 145.350MHz FM Simplex at 11:00am every Sunday.

Way more informal than our 80m Sunday morning net!

Webmaster at Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society
#msars @MidSussexARS


Hi Barney, thanks for the confirmation that the net is still live as I can't access 2M from home.
I hope to have the antenna on the roof very soon, fingers crossed I can get in then but if not from a high spot in the warmer weather.

ps. I'll have it added to our Calendar! :)


I did tune in yesterday 26th Feb from my QTH, sadly I was met with silence. :(
When the weather warms up a bit I'll drag myself up to a high spot, either Ditchling Beacon or Devils Dyke.


Yes, not so well supported of late, but we can soon change that. I try to get on most weeks now. The guy that normally chairs it has had some family medical issues to deal with, so I'm trying to generate some more interest. I like 2m. Also an interesting band for digital modes, as is 6m!

I was up at Jack and Jill last Sunday for the net, but I couldn't get within 500m of the car park, as it was full of Scouts walking about. How dare they!
Webmaster at Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society
#msars @MidSussexARS


I suppose I was expecting too much to actually hear anyone on the 2M net net from my qth, big lumps of chalk etc. ::)
I am not set up for 2M digital but hope to be able to access 6M next week once I get the end fed antenna up, it's been ordered. :)

As for scouts at Jack & Jill, don't they know there are many other places on the downs for a wander.  ::)  ;D



End-Fed... Mmmmm

And yes, Scouts should definitely be confined to the lowlands...

Webmaster at Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society
#msars @MidSussexARS


I hope there is an endfed for sale on the 31st, I'd love to see you like that in real life.
I really must try to make it! 8)  ;)  ;D  ;D  ;D