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Tango Charlie DX Group

Started by Admin, Jun 10, 2022, 02:28 PM

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Phew we managed to have no problems this week with the radio setup thank God! We did have 3lb of noise due to a camper sat next to us but hey ho I would rather take a little bit of noise than not being able to do the net! Thank you to all that called into the Tango Charlie net. Here is the log along with radio reports, distance as the crow flies and any hill toppers, 26th Oct
1.TC74 - John - Long Mynd - HT
2.TC88 - Max - Long Mynd - HT
3.TC46 - Paul - Darlaston - 5/9 - 33m
4.TC191 - Andy - Telford - 5/+10 - 18m
5.TL314 - Mark - Kinver - 5/9+ - 28m
6.TC262 - Nick - Shrewsbury - 15/+20 - 11m
7.TC275 - Pete - Silver Dale - 5/6 - 42m
8.TC515 - Rob - North Dorset - 5/3 - 134m - HT
9. TC487 - Steve - Coventry - 5/6 - 54m
10.TC486 - John - Bedworth - 5/6 - 57m
11.TC579 - Chris - Bromsgrove - 5/9+ - 36m
12.HT60 - Mike - Dorset - 5/6 - 134m - HT
13.9??028 - Al - Novia Scotia - 5/9 - 2631m
14.UK873 - Roy - Skelmersdale - 5/5 - 71m
15.WI01 - Neil - Barrow In Furness - 5/4 - 111m - HT
16.PD77 - Mick - Clee Hill - 5/+20 - 14mHT
17.163TC213  - Colin - Midwales - 24m
19.2WR102 - Head - Tennersse - 5/7 - 3728m   
20.666 - Kieran - Stoke - 5/+20 - 42m
21.TC196 - John - Stratford Upon Avon - 5/9+
22.DT117 - Conrad - Dorset - 134m - HT   
23.2WR176 - Mike - California - 5/5 - 5157m
24.GM04 - Tony - Staffordshire - 5/7 - 35m
25.TC203 - Kev - Swaddling Coat - 5/3 - 64m
26.TC7777 - Steve - Birmingham - 5/+10 - 42m
27.TC562 - Tony - Craven Arms - 5/+20 - 7m
28.OP601 - Colin - Shrewsbury - 5/+20 - 11m
29.RV350 - John - Wem - 5/+10 - 23m
30.DR397 - Dave - Lancaster - 5/7 - 105m
31.CT5060 - Mikey - Dudley - 5/8 - 42m 
32.2WD40 - North Carolina - 3942m
33.163TC599 - Lee - Wrexham - 5/+10 - 36m
34.Midnight Special - Martin - 5/9 - 11m
35.Simon - Great Barr - 5/9 - 35m
36.TC82 - Ken - Wolverhampton - 5/+20 - 18m
37.OT537 - Kev - Wolverhampton - 5/+10 - 28m
38.2WR776 - Jim - Pennsylvania - 5/9 - 3468m
39.DR662 - Kev - Uttoxeter - 5/7 - 47m
40.TC237 - Ludo - Derby - 5/4 - 67m
41.TC564 - Shirley - Tipton - 5/8 - 35m
42.WR4206 - Gizmo - Minnesota - 5/9 - 3876m
43.TC288 - John - Rowley Hill - 5/+10 - 42m
44.TC339- Stuart - Stoke - 5/2 - 42m
45.TC160 - Daz - Malvern - 5/9+ - 36m
46.444 - Vinny - Stoke - 5/+10 - 42m
47.2WK1950 - Bob - Georgia - 5/9 - 4095m
48.2WR294 - Claude - Virginia - 5/5 - 3674m
49.9??000 - Kelvin - Nova Scotia - 5/5 - 2631m
50.2WR1958 - James - Kansas - 5/9 - 4382m
51.???? - Chris - Clitheroe - 5/5 - 95m
52.???? - Lee - Halesowen - 5/9+ -28m
53.TC11 - Stuart - Stay Little - 5/9+ -  36m
54.TC101 - Al - Coventry - 5/9 - 54m
55.TC102 - Debs - Coventry - 5/9 - 54m
56.DR761 - Dave - Wigan - 5/0 - 71m
57.WU 71 - Martin - Cannock - 5/9+ - 35m
58.TC407 - Steve - Bewdley - 5/+20 - 33m
59.DR023 - Dave - Penkridge - 5/4 - 34m
60.CT739 - Les - Forest Of Dean - 5/9 - 54m
61.PT16 - Pete - Lestershire - 5/6 - 71m
62.SW964 - Richard - Cornwall - 5/0 - 164m
63.TC - Paul - Bilston - 5/9 - 33m
64.CT6168 - Steve - Liverpool - 5/6 - 61m
65.OB45 - Andy - Liverpool - 5/7 - 61m
66.CT4571 - Matt - Newark on Trent - 5/1 - 92m
67.FM01 - Andy - Liverpool - 5/3 - 61m
68.JW17 - John - Nuneaton - 5/7 - 58m
69.RW20 - Aneff - Bloxwich - 5/9 - 35m
70.TC258 - Phill - Royal Wotton Bassett - 5/0 - 74m
71.TC531 - Allan - Royal Wootton Bassett - 5/3 - 74m
72.JR21 - Barry - Hereford - 5/8 - 33m
73.TC808 - Justin - Sutton Coldfield - 5/9+ - 43m
Thanks to every 1 who called into the net. We hope to hear you all next Saturday night at 7pm on 27.585usb.


1.TC74 - John - Long Mynd - HT
2.TC88 - Max - Long Mynd - HT
3.DT117 - Conrad - Dorset - 5/9 - 134m - HT
4.TC539 - Mike - Dorset - 5/2-3 - 134m
5.SD444 - Vinny - Stoke - 5/+20 - 42m
6.TC46 - Paul - Darlaston - 5/9 - 32m
7.TC486 - John - Bedworth - 5/7 - 57m
8.???? - Terry - Derby -  5/5 - 67m
9.TC138 - Mike - Derby - 5/8 - 67m
10.WI01 - Neil - Barrow in Furness - 5/7 - 111m - HT
11.UK873 - Roy - Skelmersdale - 5/7 - 71m
12.TC538 - Ian -  Northampton - 5/6 - 83m
13.TC542 - Jamie - Cambridgeshire - 5/5 - 126m
14.Simon - Birmingham - 5/9 - 42m
15.TC599 - Lee - Oswestry - 5/+20 - 28m - HT
16.TC331 - John - Ludlow - 5/9+ - 12m
17.163TC11 - Stuart - Staylittle - 5/+10 - 34m - HT
18.TC237 - Ludo - Derby - 5/7 - 67m
19.PD77 - Mick - Clee Hill - 5/+10 - 14m
20.AT153 - Neil - North Wiltshire - 5/9 - 95m
21.TC515 - Rob - Dorset - 5/3 - 134m
22.PT16 - Pete - Leicester - 5/9 - 71m
23.163TC278 - Kelvin - Wrexham - 5/+20 - 36m - HT
24.WU141 - Mike - Bromyard - 5/20 - 28m
25.CT4171 - Mike - Northampton - 5/9 - 83m
26.TC564 - Shirley - Tipton - 5/8 - 35m
27.CXG01 - Richard - Derby - 5/5 - 67m
28.Wayne - Northampton - 5/5 - 83m
29.TC1980 - Brian - Stoke - 5/9 -  42m
30.CT5151 - Dave - Northampton - 5/8 - 83m
31.WU622 - Jay - Oldbury - 5/+10 - 35m
32.108SD420 - Noel - Castle Douglas- 5/0 - 181m
33.CT103 - Carl - Stoke - 5/9 - 42m   
34.TC196 - John - Stratford Upon Avon - 5/9 - 54m
35.LR89 - Dave - Bolton - 5/1 - 75m
36.2RT127 - John - South Carolina - 5/4 - 3917m
37.Midnight Special - Martin - Shrewsbury - 5/9 - 12m
38.108EK011 - Hugh - Gretna Green - 5/0 - 171m
39.GM04 - Tony -  Staffordshire - 5/6 - 35m
40.TC288 - John - Rowley Hill - 5/+10 - 33m
41.TC82 - Ken - Wolverhampton - 5/+20 - 28m
42.TC597 - Andy - Telford - 5/+30 - 18m
43.TC003 - Ash - Robin Hood - 5/+40 - Too Close
44.TC603 - Nigel - Somerset - 5/5 - 102m
45.163TC213 - Colin - Midwales- 5/2 - 21m
46.TC101 - Al - Coventry - 5/9+ - 54m
47.TC102 - Debs - Coventry - 5/9+ - 54m
48.DT1937 - Steve - Preston - 5/9 - 85m - HT
49.DR761 - Dave - Wigan - 5/4 - 71m
50.HB81 - Billy - Settle - 5/5 - 108m
51.TC562 - Tony - Craven arms - 5/9 - 7m
52.TC7777 -Steve - Birmingham - 5/+20 - 42m
53.DR662 - Kev Uttoxeter - 5/7 - 47m
54.TC42 - Greg - Stoke - 5/+10 - 42m
55.Gareth - Wrexham - 5/5 - 34m
56.TM953 - John - Chester - 5/2 - 45m
57.CT6168 - Steve - Liverpool - 5/5 - 71m
58. RM01 - Ray - ???? - 5/9
59.CI01 - Frazer - Shrewsbury - 5/6 - 12m
60.163OP101 - Colin  - Cardiff - 5/5 - 81m HT
61. TC582 - Tim - Worcester - 5/9 - 36m
62.TC828 - James - Brierely Hill - 5/9+ - 35m
63.RW20 - Hanief - Bloxwich - 5/7 - 33m
64.WU15 - Ken - Birmingham - 5/8 - 42m
65.Matt - Newark on trent - 5/5 - 92m
66.WU155 - Dale - Stourbridge - 5/+20 - 28m
67.163WU136 - Paul - Monmouth - 5/7 - 51m
68.TC160 - Daz - Malvern - 5/9 - 36m
69.TD240 - Tim - North Yorkshire Skipton - 5/3 - 97m
70.PJ148 - Paul - Bloxwhich - 5/8 - 33m
71.163CT326 - Paul - Pontypool - 5/5 -  59m
72.MJ616 - Mick - Hereford - 5/9 - 36m
73.TC339 - Stuart - Stoke - 5/3 - 42m
74.FB926 - Ian - Grantham - 5/2 - 96m
75.TC449 - Scott - Telford - 5/9 - 18m
Thanks again every 1 and lets hope 2025 will be even better on the radio than 2024. Hope to hear you all again next Saturday at 7m on 27.585usb 🙂


Posted by Maxine Dudley : 15th Feb 2025

Thanks to every 1 who called into the net. It was a very foggy and wet night. We started off with very low signals for the 1st 5mins and john gave the coax a wiggy and found the PL plug in his hand so off i went outside to plug it back in lol. The most funnest thing happened up the hill tonight, John decided he was going to wear his leg (prosthetic leg) and he forgot we was in the small car so when he started getting pains  it had come off. Well he got stuck and couldn't get his leg out of the fake 1 without taking his trousers off and omg i was no help as i couldn't stop laughing at him and taking pictures 😂 😆 He looked like a pig rolling around in mud 🤣 😂 , any way here is the log along with radio reports, distance as the crow flies and any hill toppers,
1.TC74 - John - Long Mynd - HT
2,TC88 - Max - Long Mynd - HT
3.163TC11 - Stuart - Staylittle - 34m -HT
4.UK873 - Roy - Skelmersdale - 5/5 - 71m
5.163TC278 - Kelvin Wrexham - 5/+20 - 34m - HT
6.DT117 - Conrad - Dorset - 5/9 - 134m -HT
7.TC085 - Sie - Chester - 5/3 - 45m
8.WI01 - Neil - Barrow in Furness - 5/3 - 111m - HT
9.TC539 - Mike - Dorset - 5/5 - 134m -HT
10.4868 -  Mike - Redditch 5/7 - 41m
11.TC486 - John - Bedworth - 5/2 - 57m
12.SW964 - Richard - Cornwall - 5/0 - 171m
13.TC515 - Rob - Bullbarrow Hill - 5/9 - 134m - HT
14.CT5305 - Bob - Norbury - 5/7 - 28m
15.TC518 - Mike - Dudley - 5/8 - 35m
16.163TC213 - Colin - Newtown - 5/+10 - 21m - HT
17.CD192 - John - Somerset - 5/1 - 101m
18.130 - Matt - Wolverhampton - 5/+30 - 28m
19.163TC599 - Lee - Hope - 5/9 - 34m - HT
20.TC82 - Ken - Wolverhampton - 5/20+ -
21.TC603 - Nigel  - Somerset - 5/5 - 101m
22.OP601 - Colin - Shrewsbury - 5/+20 - 11m
23.NB157 - Andy - Dorset - 5/1 - 134m
24.RV350 - John - Wem - 5/+10 - 23m
25.Adam - Dorset - 4/0 - 134m
26.163TC609 - John - Barry (South wales) - 4/0 - 81m
27.DR662 - Kev - Uttoxeter - 5/7 - 47m
28.WU65 - David - Kidderminster - 5/+10 - 36m
29.TC621 - Hanief - Bloxwich - 5/+10 - 34m
30.TC564 - Shirley - Tipton - 5/9 - 35m
31.TC608 - Pete - Wolverhampton - 5/+20 - 28m
32.TC46 - Paul - Walsall - 5/9 - 34m
33.FB148 - Mark - Wolverhampton - 5/8 - 28m
34.TC101 - Al - Coventry - 5/9 - 54m
35.TC562 - Tony - Craven Arms - 5/+30 - 7m
36.LR656 - Phil - Crewe - 5/2 - 42m
37.TM953 - John - Chester - 5/6 - 45m
38.WU15 - Ken - Birmingham - 5/9+ 42m
39.TC42 - Greg - Stoke - 5/+10 - 42m
40.CT4789 - Ben - Leicestershire - 5/6 - 71m
41.TC288 - John - Rowley - 5/+10 - 42m
42.CT5151 - Dave - Northampton - 5/3 - 83m
43.TC531 - Allan - Royal Wootton Bassett - 2/0 - 79m
44.TC138 - Mike - Derby - 5/5 - 67m
45.DT727 - Mark - Manchester - 5/2 - 71m
46.Bango - Alan - Stafford - 5/7 - 35m
47.TC7777 - Steve - Birmingham - 5/20+ - 42m
48.108SD420 - Noel - Galloway - 3/0 - 181m
49.TC432 - Tony - 5/10 - Birmingham - 42m
Thanks again and we hope to hear you all again 😁