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3d Printed Rotator for a 70cm/PMR beam

Started by OnTheMicwithMike, Jun 24, 2024, 06:08 PM

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A few years ago (2017), a local chap who I won't name fully but his first name was Bob - frequented the Monday night PMR network every week.
He told us about his new 3d printed rotator he designed and built using an old RC car servo and some electronic wizardry!
Anyway when he was finished with it, he offered it to me after I showed interest in buying one off him if he ever did make another...
So a deal was done and I still have it and it works a treat! Funnily enough, I actually found him on Meshtastic near his home 20 while at the local McDonald's and I told him I still had it :)

Anyway here is a pic and a small video of it.

Video here:

Cheers all!